What to write in your emails

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I recommend. I may receive a commission should you sign up through my link (but at no additional cost to you). I only suggest products and services that I wholeheartedly support and believe in and have either used myself or have used on behalf of a private client.


There’s nothing worse than sitting down to write the email you know you need to send to your subscribers and getting stuck for ideas. But there’s a process you first need to go through before you even start getting creative with your words.

What to write in your emails – so you’re never stuck for ideas again.

If you didn't know already, email is one of the best way to market to your target audience. It has an incredible return on investment of 4300% (according to the Direct Marketing Association). Now you've decided to harness the power email marketing, you're going to need to figure out what you're going to say in your emails to your audience

Some people find this easy as they have so many ideas overflowing, but maybe you're a little stumped to know what to write to create the connection that turns readers into buyers? This post is going to help you figure out, in four steps, what you want to write to your audience about. But here’s a warning… it’s not your typical “how to generate X ideas for emails” - no!  

What I’m about to teach you is the foundational strategy behind your emails. Don’t do this and your email campaigns will have no focus, you’ll find it hard to sell your products and services and you’ll not be serving your audience to the best of your ability.

So let’s gets started....

Step 1: where does your email fit in with your plan and strategy?

If you have no plan for your business, you may be in trouble.  Ideally you should have some sort of idea about what you are aiming for in the next 60-90 days.  

If your goal is to get 1000 new followers, then your email should be part of that strategy.

If you are launching a product or service, your email should be part of that strategy - whether it's to build awareness around the offer, or educating them around the beliefs they may have around your offer.

Step 2: What is the purpose of your email?

Every email has a purpose - whether that is to build trust, engage, entertain, educate, inform, offer your services or nurture your prospect or customer - you should be clear on this before you put fingers to keyboard.

All of these purposes are linked to the know, like and trust factor. However we still must know what result we want from the email. Is it to get them to like your Facebook page? Is it to get them to click and read a blog post or watch a live stream? Is it to ask them to fill out a survey, or let you know something by replying?

This may sound like a call to action, but it's the underlying purpose of the call to action...

  • The call to action is your request.

  • The purpose is your reason why.

Each email should have one goal and one purpose for you sending it, even if it is just to share value, the purpose is to up the stakes in building connection with your audience.

Step 3: Frame your email

Create an interesting idea or story around the purpose of your email. The purpose will be a step in the process of achieving a goal or overcoming a problem, so frame your email around how the thing you want them to do, is going to help them in that journey. It’s important that they are very clear on why it should matter to them to do the thing you ask, and what’s in it for them.  

There can be some use of details about you as the coach or consultant, especially if you are using story to show an outcome or resolution - but it will always be framed in a way that your reader can see themselves as the hero and they are then either curious or compelled to do what you request of them.

Step 4: Write!

Once you have these three pieces in place, you're good to go with writing your email. It's all very well having lots of ideas but if you don't take action, it will never get done.  Procrastination is every writers friend - and you may not consider yourself a writer, but if you are creating content, a writer you are.  

Set a day or regular time that you spend writing and set the intention that you will do it.  If you can create a habit of sitting and writing your emails then you are off to a head start.


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