Here be a look behind the scenes at…

What I’m working on now, what I’m doing in life and what I’m doing to procrastinate…


Working on…

  • Finally started creating content again. Aiming for a new blog post each week and an email each week (not on the same subject).

  • Finalising my new welcome sequence with a Choose Your Own Adventure style interaction.

  • Planning out new low-cost digital guides – possible ideas: email templates for e-com, tracking method for pitching for podcasts/ work, maybe a guide on how to set up a choose your own adventure style sequence.

  • Going to get my biz-bestie to help me plan some instagram content – need to get a marketing machine up and running to point to my digital products.

In life…

  • Recently went to London with my two girls and saw Romeo & Juliet with Tom Holland. I agree with many of the reviews about this Jamie Lloyd Production – Tom was great (I may be biased) but the production was lacking in passion and connection.

  • Planted a bunch of dahlias in my garden so we (my girls and I) can sell them at the end of our street – it’s for pocket money for the girls and to teach them a thing or two about entrepreneurism! Have been contending with a slug-fest eating them all, but drier weather is now on the horizon.

  • Going to the gym 2-3 times a week with a focus on glutes and legs to help support my back. Contending with an injured left hip flexor and right tennis elbow.

  • Growing my hair out again after it being boy-short for a couple of years.

  • I moved to a new house about 16 months ago – I had a spurt of doing lots of DIY and decorating but not done anything since February. Next thing to do is strip all the wood in my hall, stairs and landing as there’s enough layers of paint there to add about an inch to the wood surface!

Watching/ reading…

I have recently watched:

  • Altered Carbon (s.1 twice through, again)

  • Tokyo Vice (watched s.1 again and caught up on new s.2)

  • Bridgerton s.3

  • Foundation s.1 & s.2 (how did I ONLY just find this?)


  • Dark Matter

  • Presumed Innocent


  • Broken Angels by Richard Morgan (book 2 of Altered Carbon)