11 reasons why every online business owner should use Google Workspace (+ promo code)

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I recommend. I may receive a commission should you sign up through my link (but at no additional cost to you). I only suggest products and services that I wholeheartedly support and believe in and have either used myself or have used on behalf of a private client.


If you’re running an online business, you know how it's super important to have the right tools to make your life easier and your business be more productive. 

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) is one of those game-changing productivity tools and business management platforms that can elevate your business operations to the next level. I'm a big fan of Google Workspace and have been using it since the very beginning of my online business.

Whether you're a coach, a digital content creator, a service provider or even e-commerce store owner, Google Workspace can help every small business be more productive with the potential to help you grow too! Here are...

11 compelling reasons why every online business owner should be using Google Workspace

1. Custom Email Address

First impressions matter, and nothing says “professional” quite like a custom email address. With Google Workspace, you can wave goodbye to that non-professional Gmail address and say hello to yourname@yourbusiness.com. This not only boosts your brand image but also fosters trust with your clients and customers.

2. Create Aliases

Running multiple businesses or managing different projects? Google Workspace allows you to create email aliases using various usernames AND even various domain names. This means you can streamline your communication and manage everything from a single inbox. Imagine the convenience of handling sales@yourbiz.com, support@yourbiz.com, and more, all in one place. And if you want to add another business URL to the mix to send and receive emails from hello@yourbiz.com and yourname@newproject.com you can do that too – at no extra cost! 

If you're wanting different accounts for different users, then that's possible too – see #5 in this list.

3. Share and Collaborate

Collaboration is the cornerstone of any successful business. With Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, you can share and work on projects in real-time with your team. No more endless email chains or version control nightmares. Just seamless collaboration that keeps everyone on the same page.

And if you run a service-based business or write content for clients, this is the perfect way to make sure you can share and get feedback on your work.

4. Manage a Team Drive and User Accounts

If you’re planning to expand your team, Google Workspace makes it easy to manage a team drive and user accounts. A key tip: decide to use a team drive from the start, as you can't convert your own business drive into a shared drive later. This feature is especially relevant if you’re creating other users within your admin console.

For new users, each user is an additional price point to your plan – but don't forget to take advantage of the aliases (see #3 in this list) to extend the scope of each user. For example you might have a user for yourself and a user account for your assistant but have a variety of aliases under each one...

Your account may have yourname@yourbiz.com with an alias of hello@yourbiz.com, and your assistant could be a separate user under support@yourbiz.com with aliases of admin@yourbiz.com and help@yourbiz.com (or with any number of additional domains).

5. Loads of Cloud Storage

Storage worries? Not with Google Workspace. With the Business plan, you get a whopping 2TB of data in Drive and Photos. Whether it’s documents, images, or videos, you have ample space to store everything securely in the cloud.

You can even use this storage option to host lead magnets or even landing pages in Google Doc form – just make sure you correctly share each document according to your needs (see point 13 in this article: 13 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Docs). 

6. Wide Range of Google Apps 

Google Workspace isn’t just about email and storage. It comes with a suite of apps designed to elevate your productivity:

  • Google Drive: Store, share, and access all your files from any device, keeping your work organised and secure. 

  • Google Contacts: Keep all your contacts organised and easily accessible.

  • Google Contacts: Create, edit, and share documents effortlessly. See also: 13 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Docs.

  • Google Sheets: Manage data and create complex spreadsheets with ease.

  • Google Calendar: Schedule meetings and events with a powerful scheduling tool.

  • Google Forms: Collect data and conduct surveys efficiently. See also: How to Set Up  a Customer Survey using Google Forms.

  • Google Keep: Capture and organise notes, lists, and ideas.

  • Google Slides: Create stunning presentations to wow your audience.

  • Google Meet: Host video meetings and connect with your team or clients virtually.

  • Google Sites: Build internal project sites or public websites without any coding skills.

  • Google Drawings: Create diagrams, flowcharts, and more to visually represent your ideas – I particularly like using this tools to help me work out the logic of my email sequences and funnels.  

7. Accessible on Various Devices

In today’s fast-paced world, you need tools that work wherever you are. Google Workspace allows you to access your emails, documents, and apps on any device with a single login. Whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, you’ve got everything you need at your fingertips.

8. Serious on Security

Security is paramount when it comes to your business data. Google takes this seriously with advanced security features like two-factor authentication, encryption, and regular security audits. You can rest easy knowing your information is protected.

9. Add Third-Party Integrations

Google Workspace plays well with others. Integrate your Gmail with Streak to track email opens, or sync your Calendar with Acuity for scheduling. These integrations help streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. There are so many possible applications for integrating other platforms with Google Workspace apps. There's always a solution to every problem (my motto).

10. Low Cost to Get Started

Starting an online business can be costly, but Google Workspace offers a low-cost entry point. With various plans available (from £5 or $7.20 /mth), you get a ton of value for a minimal monthly fee. It’s really the only cost you need to worry about as you bootstrap your business, with everything else being potentially free.

11. Support

Google has a wealth of articles and resources to guide you through any issues you might encounter. From setup to troubleshooting, you’re never left in the dark. Their support ensures you can make the most of all the features Google Workspace has to offer.

How to contact Google Support

To contact a support specialist for help with your Google Workspace account, you have to go through several steps before being connected to a real person. You are first offered many help articles, but sometimes chatting with a real person can be the best option. Here's what to do:

  • Open your Google Admin Console.

  • At the top right of the Admin console, click Get help (the question mark icon)

  • In the Help Assistant window, describe your issue and click Send – a chat box will appear.

  • Respond to the different queries about your need and review the various articles that are supplied and if you still need help, scroll down and click the "Continue to Support" link.

  • Try stating "this is not my issue" to prompt the option to use the "Chat" and click continue.

Ready to elevate your online business with Google Workspace?

These 11 reasons should make the decision a no-brainer. Dive in and watch your productivity soar!


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